We guide immersive experiences that allow you to feel soul deep love, align with your inner knowing, and remember who you truly are.

This is how we create those experiences….



Our workshops are 2-day events that are designed to guide you in cultivating your inner resources that connect you to who you truly are.

You will experience this in a 3-tiered approach: receiving of information, practicing that information, and ultimately embodying the information.


We organize the information in a simple and systematic way so you can understand the information intellectually before connecting to the information viscerally. Therefore, being able to feel the embodiment of the information, which will make it your own.


We show you how to take the time to reflect on the areas of your life that matter the most. We do this in a non-judgmental, self-soothing manner so you can become aware of where you are to then guide yourself deliberately to where you want to be.


Weaved throughout the 2 days are several focused breathing practices so that we can continue to stay in the receiving mode to soak in the information from the workshop. These practices will be easy to continue on your own when the workshop is complete.


By the end of the workshop you will feel an evolved you. We bring together all of the information so you can identify what evolution is all about. It is your ability to ebb and flow with your own life. Recognizing when you are connected to your soul so you can continue to flow inside of this feeling state. Also, recognizing when you are not connected to who you really are so you can then do something about it.

Check out the events page to find out when our next workshop is!